Equality Policy
IAB International Academy of Business engages with diverse individuals, communities, organisations and other bodies around the world. In doing so we aim to develop and sustain partnerships and relationships based on mutuality to support understanding and trust. Our Equality Policy, which is linked to our values, and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy informs this and covers our dealings with clients, customers, partners and suppliers, as well as our staff and contractors.
Equality is about treating people fairly, impartially and without bias and creating conditions in the workplace and wider society that encourage and value diversity and promote dignity and inclusion. This involves trying to redress past imbalances and respond in culturally sensitive ways, through a differentiated approach, where necessary and appropriate
We are committed to ensuring that policies, strategies, processes and behaviours that promote equality and contribute to an inclusive organisational culture are in place.
This includes our recruitment and selection processes which are designed to help ensure there is no unjustified discrimination on the grounds of age, disability or HIV/AIDS status, gender including transgender and intersex, marital status including civil partnership, political opinion, race/ethnicity, religion and belief, sexual orientation, spent convictions, socio-economic background, trade union activity or membership, on the basis of having or not having dependants, work pattern, or on any other irrelevant grounds.
We aim to make reasonable adjustments to our working arrangements, policies and practices that enable disabled people to take up employment with us, provide us with services, participate in our projects, programmes, classes and the examinations we administer and other activities.
We are committed to treating our clients, customers and suppliers fairly, with dignity and respect based on our commitment to EDI for their benefit and to earn and warrant their respect and confidence.
Equality is an important part of our recruitment and selection policies and processes and we require all those undertaking selection decisions to have appropriate and up to date training in support of this.
Advertisements, whether internal or external (this includes all media – e.g. printed and online – leaflets, posters and other aids, visual or non-visual) must not indicate or appear to indicate an intention to unjustifiably discriminate on the grounds we have identified within this policy.
We must not confine our advertising to areas or publications which would unjustifiably exclude or disproportionately reduce the number of applicants of a particular age, minority community, gender, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, political opinion, race/ethnicity, disability and/or carer status.
IAB International Academy of Business does not have separate policies to cover different areas of diversity. It has a primary but not exclusive focus on six grounds which are referred to in brief below:
We believe it is positive to have a workforce of different generations and ages and to encourage the contributions of children, young people and adults of different ages, across the range of our work. We require staff, partners and suppliers to abide by our Child Protection and Adults at Risk Policies and to ensure that there is no unjustified age discrimination in work related activities by applying our Age Criteria Guidance to promote generational and age diversity as appropriate and practicable.
We are committed to addressing unjustified discrimination against disabled people and to promoting the inclusion of disabled people in public life. We recognise disability as a broad concept that includes physical, cognitive and mental health issues and long-standing and fluctuating health conditions. We acknowledge that people are often not disabled through their own individual impairments or relative ability, but through common social attitudes and physical and attitudinal barriers which result in marginalisation and lack of access to full human rights. We aspire to address this by consciously identifying and removing such barriers, making reasonable adjustments and promoting the social model of disability.
We are committed to tackling gender discrimination. Our focus is on promoting equality and eradicating unjustified discrimination in relation to women and girls who worldwide frequently experience social and economic disadvantage, negative attitudes, alienation, abuse and violence. We also seek to address inequalities experienced by men and boys and seek ways to ensure that they are not disadvantaged by or excluded from the work that we do.
We recognise that people are subjected to discrimination based on their gender reassignment, or perceived gender reassignment, or because they are transgender, intersex or hold another gender identity which may include gender fluidity. Consistent with the respect we have for everyone’s right to live in their preferred gender identity, we make relevant guidance available to attune people to the challenges faced by transgender and intersex people. We aim to offer appropriate support, within the workplace and in the course of our activities to enable everyone to be recognised as they wish.
Race/Ethnicity and Culture
We recognise that racial discrimination is a complex phenomenon which can be based on grounds of race, nationality, religion, culture and/or colour and other physical markers linked to ethnic belonging.
We believe that our work is enriched by the different ethnic/racial, cultural groups and travelling communities we engage with and that cultural relations has an important role to play in mutual understanding and exchange.
We recognise however that conflict based on ethnic, cultural and other factors, including asylum seeker and refugee status, continues to exist and undermines inclusion. We require all staff, partners and suppliers to ensure no unjustified discrimination on grounds of race/ethnicity occurs and to promote positive and equitable relations between different races/ethnicities and cultures. We have a Race Equality Guide to help ensure this.
Religion and Belief
We value and respect the religions/beliefs held by staff and external contacts working in and with IAB and in the communities in which we operate, including those of no religion or belief. We try to ensure that needs and preferences are met. In many countries we provide a dedicated faith or quiet room for prayer, meditation or quiet reflection. In some, we make provision as required by the flexible use of our facilities, and take other actions, including supporting staff during the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Where there are existing work requirements which may conflict with particular cultural and religious needs, we carefully consider whether it is reasonably practical to vary or adapt these to enable needs to be met. Requests for the accumulation of annual leave or unpaid leave in order to undertake pilgrimage, or to take unpaid leave or exchange public holidays for other Holy Days of Obligation such as Eid, Yom Kippur, Diwali or Guru Nanak require constructive consideration.
Our Religion and Belief Guide acts as a resource to support our understanding and to promote related good practice. We hold that increasing religious literacy will contribute to improved cultural relations.
Sexual Orientation
We are committed to supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and heterosexual people to feel included and valued. We believe all colleagues have the right to be themselves at work without having to be concerned about sharing aspects of who they are.
Whilst we respect the right of individuals to be open, or otherwise, about their sexual identity we recognise that sexual minorities can face especial challenges and be fearful of doing so in the workplace and beyond due to homophobia and heterosexism, as well as persecution. We are committed to tackling discrimination and harassment against lesbian, gay, bisexual staff and to supporting their inclusion.
We support everyone working with, or for IAB to understand that negative messages or stereotypes on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation are unacceptable and inconsistent with our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
We are aware that some laws and cultures are particularly hostile towards lesbian, gay and bisexual people and we seek to offer a supportive environment to all colleagues and customers regardless of their sexual identity.